This life-changing program is fully funded and supported by the Preschool families and generous local businesses who believe all children have the right to reach their highest potential. Our goal is to emphasize the value of differences rather than the stigma associated with disability. We need your support to reduce the wait list, fund tuition costs, continue teacher education, provide equipment, supplies and much more!
$10,000 Donation
Will sponsor a scholarship for one semester for a child with special needs
$2,500 Donation
Will contribute to professional training of our inclusion specialists
$1,000 Donation
Will sponsor one week of scholarship for a child with special needs
$500 Donation
Will contribute to the implementation of new communication and tracking software
$250 Donation
Will contribute to the purchase of learning tools for participating classrooms
“The Inclusion Program at Peachtree
has been an incredible blessing
to our daughter and our family,
and I cannot imagine sending
her anywhere else for preschool.
She has made huge strides in
every area of development,
and we are continually amazed
by all that she is learning. But
more than the academic and
developmental progress she
is making, it is the relationships
she is forming that have meant
the most to me. Emerson
loves coming to school, not
because of what she is learning,
but because of her teachers
and friends.”